Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread 2 - Town emerged victorious!


This is N3, post-pigeon flip and when Achro submitted a shot on Atlas.

Iā€™m fully aware of that Wind.

ok i found it
sorry wind i wasnā€™t deliberately trying to be stubborn

Leafia for fucks sake
I am not discussing your slot
It is irrelevant to the current conversation
I am not saying youā€™re lockwolf, Iā€™m saying that I am trying to talk to Trochi about Achros read on Wazza and youā€™re interrupting

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Oh. Sorry about that.

Anyway Iā€™m leaving the thread, I have no motivation for this

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iā€™m a new trochi
i will not emotion read

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All Iā€™m saying is that if you think Eliza and Trochi are both wolves together, we always flip Trochi first because they have more wolf equity and if theyā€™re somehow a villager, then we know Eliza is likely a villager like I think she is. If we flip Eliza first and sheā€™s a villager, weā€™re no closer to solving Trochiā€™s slot.

I think Leafia right now is trying to be confusing to say the least, which is aā€¦ common tactic for them overall.
Bare in mind that wolves need 2 total mis-executes to win the game and even if some of them die, this number doesnā€™t become impassable.

I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Eliza is a Consort which Leaf is trying to save over a weaker maf role (Which Gorta might have for example) while subsequently throwing shade onto me due to it. RN Leafia is trying to be TWTBAW, I donā€™t think that makes them town, I think theyā€™re trying to be seen as town

And that can potentially be gamelosing in lylo.

Stop clutching at straws here. You know me better than that and so does everyone else so I donā€™t know why you think thatā€™ll work.

i legitimately donā€™t understand your thought process here leafia


Sadly, Iā€™m not very good at explaining my thought process.

Iā€™d rather execute Gorta honestly since I think heā€™s a more likely wolf than Trochi, but Wind is hardvetoing a Gorta execution sadly.

eliza is a roleblocker
if sheā€™s scum roleblocker and youā€™re town
you will get roleblocked/killed tonight
that doesnā€™t seem to bother you
do you explicitly townread eliza and if so state why for me again please

how do you feel about my theory as to why iā€™m alive if youā€™re town


If Eliza was consort, Iā€™m pretty sure either Achro or I wouldā€™ve been rbed last night. That makes the most sense and yet neither of us were. Her not being consort makes the most sense to me as a result.

Also, with the heavy suspicion now on me, do you seriously think the wolves will kill me tonight? They need to misexe me to have the best shot at winning now. They arenā€™t going to nightkill me. I bet that was their plan from the very beginning. Because they canā€™t afford to have so many people cleared and as long as Iā€™m alive, they can spread doubt on my greenchecks.

Iā€™ve also thought that Eliza looked somewhat villagery evdn before today.

Also, if I get rbed tonight, Eliza gets yeeted into the sun.

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remind me her list of targets?

well this actually has some merit especially the last sentence
but my point was ā€œstrong PRs are left alive because they either have really bad reads, or theyā€™re being used by the mafiaā€

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