Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Nah, depending on the game I sometimes take notes, but not always, and as either alignment there is a chance I would forget until someone asked me later on if I’d followed up

So like
If I forgot to follow up, it’s completely NAI

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If I do follow up, it’s also NAI
It’s about how I handle the followup

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The part that will probbly be AI for me


I will just read wind as town for now.

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Well uh
You’ll have my followup later unless Marl literally never posts again
And he will definitely post again lmao

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thats not what i was referring to
if you follow up with something like “oh it was nothing/i saw nothing” thats probably w indicative was my point

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Actually I just realized something
Was poring through some old posts again
Why the hell would Marl think I’m partnered with Leafia for defending her if he knows for a fact I have a heavy bussing meta and also hate being spewed by her? I’d turbo wagon her in a flash if we randed wolf together.

Like I’ve wolfed with Leafia before and she outed our entire team to the neuts when we were about to win against town, and then we got picked apart day by day and lost.

I would never risk letting her do that again

@Marluxion you know exactly what I mean when I say I would bus Leafia if I were teamed with her
Your read should be, “If Wind is mafia, she is TMI’ing Leafia as town”. I never defend w!Leafia if I’m her partner.


So what gives?

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scp fm btw


Ahhh ok
Yeah that makes sense lol

(And no offense to Leafia as a player btw, I don’t mean that I dislike wolfing with her… I just find that out of all the players in this game, she is the most likely spew piñata of all of them, and if I were going for a distancing and theatre tactic I would attempt to bus her first.)


The more I say the ruder it sounds
I should probably shut up, I’m not making it sound any better lol


your points valid as far as im aware so who cares

I couldve worded it more politely tbh
Oh well

As far as I know you are all equally bad :)

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i do, yar