Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

I mean I am also already 75 posts above post cap for champs so ~

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(achro before you start feeling guilty this is a copypasta)

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Oh thank goodness.

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Plot twist: Marl is actually a mafia treestumper

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i remember you memeing exactly 0 times :joy_cat:

i may have overstated how much i actually read of g8

its okay I will help.



my ‘reading’ of g8 is just legit
looking at the most recent page once every few hours
and sometimes isoing arete

I have another dumb question
Has anyone ever commented that they think you feel like you’re overly serious, less memey, or have a stick up your arse when you play in games that have postcaps?

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Uh huh. Was enough to try to be prescriptive of me before being called out though.


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i saw that only in spec chat afterwards :joy_cat:

those are definitely words that have meanings that i should probably know

I sometimes come off very serious in certain situations. Most people from MU will almost exclusively know me from Champs where I am trying to take it seriously, and sometimes I go overboard. I think the most important thing to me is everyone trying their best in whatever way that means. I don’t respect players who don’t try, but everyone else is chill.

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achro didn’t we wolf together in that one team game with limestone and alice

or am i misremembering

by ‘wolf together’ i mean
be on the same team in a wolf slot

Cool, that answers my question, thanks!

thyroid has kind of murdered my mid term memory so I don’t remember a lot of games from 10-2 years ago. I’d remember if linked but it is hard for me to exactly recall things.

speaking of non meming achro in g8

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i meant to ask this when you died because that game is entirely what i was basing your wolf meta off of and why i wolfread you initially at the start of day 1 in g8 :joy_cat:

alice might remember i’ll ask her if she ever shows up

I think thingy was basing it off of ‘achro hasn’t beheaded three people yet, wolf’