Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Think it’s a little late for that :P

No it is not, what makes it late?

I’m like 100 percent positive at least one of these top wagons contain a wolf.

Yeah same I like these formations

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Kiiruma can die soon too tbh

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/vote Kiiruma @Host_Account_2

let’s send it

@ElizaThePsycho @ElizaThePsycho

So re: the wind/leafia interaction

So here he calls ‘I wouldn’t defend Leafia as partner wifom’ but like, Wind’s defense isn’t at issue here imo. Like in theory any player can play any way they want at any time, my concern is why would town marl ever think to group these two up knowing Wind’s meta. Wind pushes back against this and Marl quickly backs down but I still don’t get where town marl would be coming from here.

Note the replied post where I talk about it not making sense and he only can say ‘I do though.’ He doesn’t go into any of the thinking process for why this is the case and given what I know of Leafia from this topic this just does not add up to me. Like he himself apparently ran over Leafia with a bus a bit ago but thinks Wind as wolf buddy is defending for ??? reasons? I just don’t get where this comes from and he never explains.

re: Leafia

So first off I don’t like it when people just get things wrong about timelines. Here Marl says Leafia called him solvey with only these reads but it isn’t true, marl had a whole conversation and wolf team team by the time Leafia said he looked solvey. That should be important to someone who is town to get right because they are trying to dissect a person’s mindset. Like maybe this is W/W and marl is trying to bus so he doesn’t think he needs to be too on point in order to make Leafia look bad, but things like this linger with me because they shouldn’t be mistakes a solvey person should be making @Leafia - I find your defense of marl’s solviness not to have much merit given how sloppy his solving has been.

Also it is hard to break down the vul/wazza/leafia points by Marl by citing things as they are drawn out. I just don’t think chainsaw makes a lot of sense given leafia’s progression on vul/wazza so maybe just tmi? Like I am told wolves like to bus Leafia and the worst case I’ve seen on leafia today is Marl so maybe that’s it?

Anyway progression on me

this last one is important. ‘how much did you read?’ implies a certain level of reading for himself to question someone else’s read.

I don’t know, doesn’t strike me as solvey to just not bother with the top poster at any point and base anything on a game that you go from questioning if someone else has read it to doing your best to minimize it. Feels really slimy to me.

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Oops did eliza twice meant to @min

me reading the latest page every now and again is more than 95% of spectators

you’re only saying this because the top poster is YOU :joy_cat:

I am saying it that way because you are the one that characterized me as ‘the top poster’ I personally think you should have been more involved with me sooner because I am Achromatic and I think your reasons for not being so are scuffed.

Me too. It gives me good vibes.

i’m fine being involved with you! that was never an issue

your issue was with me not attempting to read you

I’m weirdly enough leaning Vul town and it’s not just from others sussing them and Vul reacting how they have. I liked the entrance and I’m getting good vibes

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Certified freethinkers when they see a chrome case on marl


like i have no issue solving with you, i’m just not going to bother trying to read you on day 1 :joy_cat:

you will either be nightkilled or cop checked

I don’t really see a good reason to not to even try to form a read, yeah.

But also the wind and leafia stuff is actually much worse objectively than anything you did with me, tbf

I agree with it but my gut keeps telling me marl is not a wolf because he’s been actually doing too much to be one

What the fuck
