Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

If you had ever seen him as a wolf, you’d know what min is talking about.

I have seen him as wolf but my memory isn’t the best.

Please explain more clearly?

His iso is full with a pretty normal balance of memes and reads but the important thing is he makes himself known in the thread as town…like you never forget he is in the game

The few times I have caught him are due to low impactivity which is why my brain had this bias telling me that (hey min, I know marl said a weird thing you found wolf but at the same time he feels like he is playing this game and not actively avoiding people against him enough for you to actually vote and case him)

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Hmmm, tough to say, but I think he could potentially do so.

I don’t.
I think he has been wolfy.

Let me ask you this, how would Vulgard ever be a wolf to you as wolf when he is Vulgard?
Like what could realistically Vulgard himself as a wolf do to where you wouldn’t town read them.

sire literally nothing has happened except alice came in and voted hippo

He tends to just be there as a wolf usually and it’s usually super obvious from my experience. He has been improving on that front though.

Basically my question about this is simple. Would marl make any effort to change their wolf game if they had been caught due to the way they post several times? Or is marl just that polarized and bad? If marl sucks maybe marl sucks, fair enough.

But I feel like most of his ‘reads’ were easily shredded with a few moments of thought so if he sucks as wolf I am thinking ‘well that checks out’

just me though.

i literally deepwolfed and won my last two games

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I don’t think he sucks I just think I hyperfixate on him in games too much

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Well I have no meta so this is an interesting questions. Do things I don’t like, I suppose? I like his conditional read of marl, I liked how he was willing to vote Wazza after Leafia and I thought their progression on things were good. These are all things that are fakeable but for day one I am fine with Vul in comparison to some others. Do you think there are particular posts I should be critical of? I’d be glad to look them over. Despite my S tier thread presence I am a little overwhelmed trying to sort so many new faces.

Great, so you don’t suck.

Vote stands.

@min @Leafia you heard the man, stop underestimating him.

I’m not underestimating him. As to whether or not he’s a wolf this game, I don’t know yet. This game he seems to be in a weird hybrid of his town meta and his wolf meta.

Skimmed @Alice ISO.
Gut Town.

Leafia, Marl and Hippo parts I liked the most. I’ll need more from Alice though to obtain a better read on them, quite a bit more.

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I’m not…??

I’ve just said I’m conflicted on him

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FOL Game where we talk about literally anything except marl 2022 challenge (Level of difficulty: impossible)

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That was me being a little memey. I know it is hard to tell.

K well that probably won’t work on Vulgard as Vulgard is an S Tier player as well, He was town read by everyone as Lost Wolf Day 1, I think votes the ML wagon and gets night killed by mafia.