Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

I’m just like

blatantly more wolfy as a wolf


it’s just obvious

/vote Wazza @Host_Account_2

Bye for now.

gonna have the tab open but not up so if you want me to see something ping me

other than that i have posted way too much and i am sorry and i will be back like in 12 hours after work

or during work

who knows

i have no self restraint

/vote Wazza


sure we can do this a little

probably just their vibe this game? since when did you ever care about someone’s early townread enough to vote them for it? what the heck

this is my impression so far too

why aren’t you
we’re all vanilla
frost has bamboozled us into playing mountainous

vote Wazza


Just realized you dont have to unvote to vote again. Sweet.

Hi wazza

i agree with the take but not sure how you already got there from just that post :joy_cat:

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you’re literally our champs rep dont bm us :joy_cat:

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/vote Wazza


oops forgot the slash.

we had to literally pick one person who we thought was the best mafia player on our forum and we picked you, nerd

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D1 Wazza Wagon
Classic :pensive:

illwei probably v regardless of leafia’s alignment tbh

im not backreading
anything happen

illwei posts have way to much heat to be maf i think

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My read is literally “Leafia is in her wolf meta”
how tf can you misconstrue this to “Wazza thinks Leafia isn’t in her wolf meta”

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Town Illwei i explained already but here she’s basically all over the place and unfiltered with what she says, whether it has to do with what goes on in the game or not.
She’s bound to get into scumreads she’s very into and will explain why posts are wolfy to a lot of detail like she has been doing with Leafia.

Search Soda Mafia in the Automated Games section and her treatment of Leafia is similar to her push on Vorros.

You can also look at the PR Madness game that Dale hosted in Manual games and notice her hyper mind like she has here.

I’d paste the games here but for some reason i can’t copy/paste links here.

Wolf Illwei… first of all she hates wolfing and cares less about it. She’s bound to being a lot less solvey and can have a more narrowed view. She’ll have segments of posts that aren’t game advancing before leaving.

That’s the best I can explain it.

this is basically the read i just posted but in 800 characters instead of 8 words

She asked and I delivered.