Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

illwei probably v regardless of leafia’s alignment tbh

im not backreading
anything happen

illwei posts have way to much heat to be maf i think

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My read is literally “Leafia is in her wolf meta”
how tf can you misconstrue this to “Wazza thinks Leafia isn’t in her wolf meta”

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Town Illwei i explained already but here she’s basically all over the place and unfiltered with what she says, whether it has to do with what goes on in the game or not.
She’s bound to get into scumreads she’s very into and will explain why posts are wolfy to a lot of detail like she has been doing with Leafia.

Search Soda Mafia in the Automated Games section and her treatment of Leafia is similar to her push on Vorros.

You can also look at the PR Madness game that Dale hosted in Manual games and notice her hyper mind like she has here.

I’d paste the games here but for some reason i can’t copy/paste links here.

Wolf Illwei… first of all she hates wolfing and cares less about it. She’s bound to being a lot less solvey and can have a more narrowed view. She’ll have segments of posts that aren’t game advancing before leaving.

That’s the best I can explain it.

this is basically the read i just posted but in 800 characters instead of 8 words

She asked and I delivered.

me neither

Well you said leafia as a wolf just focuses on defending herself but that’s not what she was doing, so…

i’ll take everyone ignoring the post as a “no”

Voted Voter Count
Wazza Vulgard, Illwei, Achromatic 3/11
Vulgard Leafia, Beancat 2/11
Leafia Wazza 1/11
Gorta Kiiruma 1/11

i mean plenty of things happened

biden exec ordered to protect abortion rights, the pm of japan was assassinated

just nothing happened in thread

I said that was part of what she did
people don’t just have one part of a meta and that’s their entire meta

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Thank you, I will keep this in mind.

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so yes a “no” is probably appropriate

you should backread either way though
it’s only 500 posts

Read first 100 posts.
Skipped the rest.
My wisdom tooth aches.
What did I miss?

im lazy and im putting no effort into this game

and I literally specified she wasn’t doing that yet but I could see it easily going down her course considering how focused she was on me despite never interacting with me

What is your response to saying she has defended herself a lot and died for it as town? Do you think they are lying?

because if i do im going to end up strangling a man