Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Forgiven. Did you learn anything from my response to your Vul question?

I dont think you reallt believe it

Just so I am clear this means you think Leafia is a wolf atm, correct?

Well I did that because I noticed you call both of his votes bad way earlier in the day phase and was wondering what you had as a read on him.

From what I remember the dude was towny and I guess I can see your read being believable.

First vote comment was actually not serious, but yes I took issue with the second one.



busted if they survive to n2



can probably use busted abilities from graveyard


can become busted roles

busted (if its a redirector)

meanwhile on the mafia side, we have

counters sheriff, specifically

probably the best mafia role, but only serves to counter the bustedness

counters sheriff, specifically

counters doctor, specifically

actual utility (the only one on the mafia team)

funny sk

funny arso

does absolutely nothing

legit a good number of town roles are busted and/or can become busted

Yes, so wouldn’t it be nice if mafia doesn’t know who has them so they can’t target them early? :)

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of course
it could always be not salem

yeah but there’s like six of them

but uh
i highly doubt that

and when everyone’s busted!

everyone will be

so mafia has 6/14 chance of targeting busted roles with any given action versus 6/6

I will take the not claiming route.

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This legitimitely made me laugh. Laughs Like this Elize. Sends Achro flowers

All mass claim does is tell wolves who has what role. even in the case third party is present in the game they have a fake claim already given to them according to the OP.

for example:
Sheriff Claims
Tracker Claims
Doctor Claims

Mafia will then probably ignore tracker and target sheriff or doctor since they are stronger roles, the only counter argument I can see you make is we make night plans after mass claim. which sure might be able to work but it can also backfire as well. not to mention if we all mass claim and a retri is present in the game that’s gonna be the number 1 target and we don’t even know if we got a lookout or doctor and with doctor because of it’s modifier it will not be able to target retri the next night resulting in our retri dying due to the mass claim idea.

okay i can see waiting until like d2 but still

Much obliged.

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actually yeah
wake me up when its d2 so i can post more propaganda

What if I told you I was just in a game where a doctor didn’t have to claim until day six. Imagine how cool that is.

was it role madness