Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

She didn’t make a read based on it, though? “Are you insane?” isn’t a read. She even said two posts later that she nullread the suggestion.

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All I’m saying is the Feedback hints to like
almost all the information roles and stuff.
Especially a certain one that is sort of obvious

What don’t you like about it?

its been like 5 minutes and none of you make any sense

Forget the claim kill or whatever. Giving wolves information early is almost always an error from my experience. I was thinking how the wolves get utterly bushwhacked by lack of information on my usual haunt. Wolves have the information advantage already so i think claiming is a bad idea

My suggestion would be for no claims to happen day 1 and just to do our best off of behavior. The worst case of losing one power is probably better than having several claims and also losing power which happens a lot day one. We probably shouldnt need claims to sort day 1 anyway if we are keen.


yeah the feedback tells us way too much

give it 10


I do realize you didn’t like my initial TR on Eliza but what she’s posting only makes me believe it in more strongly.

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A nullreac is still a read.

okay looking at this there’s approximately 12-13 roles which means there’s probably duplicates or VTs ig

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Why? Kinda thought it was a normal disagreement post

oh wait I’m stupid :skull:

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Why do you say that?

I bedded a Spanish woman last night, I prefer my seduction to be applied in real life where it has intrinsic value, even if said value is hedonistic by design.

And I know it’s stereotypical for someone to boast of their sexual accomplishments in an online board, but it’s true. I have a certain capacity for seduction daily, at home I apply that to mafia, abroad I apply that to the local ladies (who are quite voluptuous and coquettishly leading).


There’s definitely VTs.

The good ol’ Citizen role.

I am pretty sure we have never played together. How did you reach this conclusion?

There’s uh
15 Town roles on the list


look at the part next to the “Your claimkill has succeeded”
its suspiciously like a claim strongman

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