Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

I assumed the “hot take” part meant it was serious.

gth wazza v :face_in_clouds:

hot take means it’s almost never serious enough to think about

Not sure I get why you’re townreading that honestly. I have that more at null myself.

damn :pensive:


its half a joke
im like
seriously considering it
even though it’s probably a bad idea
but the claimkill really looks more like a claim strongman

Bold of you to assume I won’t shitpost whenever I’m here

Leafia’s read on Eliza for the suggestion feels towny for them.

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Why are there still no likes :sob::sob::sob:


we will not claim

/vote Leafia




anyone who claims or anyone who suggests claiming is stupid because I know what anti-claim mechanics are like and they’re almost always bullshit

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Yeah, you are pretty leadery as a wolf I’ve noticed. Also, please give us the ability to like posts Buddist_Monkey. @Host_Account_2

please don’t question votes in RVS

Yup, sick timing.

I’m calling all of y’all wolf for already putting out reads
you’re trying to look productive early
every single one of you


Eh, sure.

/vote beancat @Host_Account_2

Thought we skipped past that my bad

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