Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

RVS of course. Like this one.

/Marl @Host_Account_2

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Yeah, my 3 wolf games were:
DAC (Leader)
Some BotF (Trying to lead)
Dicey Dungeons (I was doing alright but then just went downhill)

donā€™t like their reaction to vulā€™s read

no vote
just Marl


look at this
its literally a claim strongman
and, if the role names are anything accurate to salem (almost all of them are from salem, including the mafia)
there is literally exactly 1 protective to bypass
i think the benefits here outweigh the cons
im still considering it

Itā€™s the Marl summoning command


Illwei probably town.

She didnā€™t make a read based on it, though? ā€œAre you insane?ā€ isnā€™t a read. She even said two posts later that she nullread the suggestion.

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All Iā€™m saying is the Feedback hints to like
almost all the information roles and stuff.
Especially a certain one that is sort of obvious

What donā€™t you like about it?

its been like 5 minutes and none of you make any sense

Forget the claim kill or whatever. Giving wolves information early is almost always an error from my experience. I was thinking how the wolves get utterly bushwhacked by lack of information on my usual haunt. Wolves have the information advantage already so i think claiming is a bad idea

My suggestion would be for no claims to happen day 1 and just to do our best off of behavior. The worst case of losing one power is probably better than having several claims and also losing power which happens a lot day one. We probably shouldnt need claims to sort day 1 anyway if we are keen.


yeah the feedback tells us way too much

give it 10


I do realize you didnā€™t like my initial TR on Eliza but what sheā€™s posting only makes me believe it in more strongly.

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A nullreac is still a read.

okay looking at this thereā€™s approximately 12-13 roles which means thereā€™s probably duplicates or VTs ig

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Why? Kinda thought it was a normal disagreement post

oh wait Iā€™m stupid :skull:

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