Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Skill issue

@Illwei also for some of my own history I have found voting out people who hate day 1 day 1 is not even rand!wolf levels of effective lol. Much better just to mech solve them or give them space.

What does them hating d1 have to do with anything? That they arent solving to their max level? Skill issue

Cool. You are dead tonight.

if you aint reading i got nothing to say to you
oh well

we do a little trolling

As someone who relates to that statement yeah but as someone who legit like 10 minutes ago went through your iso to try and find content i was promised no

I love getting killed by wolves

what if you get converted?

and btw I know that’s not possible

/vote zone


Not me. Not this time.
I once shot Italy because he challenged me.
I will shoot Illwei because they challenged me.

Not my fault you suck at mafia

considering theres almost 100% a vig and everyone seems set on pissing random people off

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dont gotta be a dick about it

I dont have to, no

btw where is zone?

we do a little shooting

hes here

Saying your gonna shoot me because im voting you if you actually do is objectively a terrible play