Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Got anyone you dont like thats not on your wagon? Can you sum up tour thoughts on the early thread?

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When doesn’t she


You’re not wrong.

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Though my tone changes a lot between games so maybe I shouldn’t care.

No. I voted you for your townread on iza and how sure you seem about it. Your Wazza vote has very little to nothing to do with my vote on you.

It’s not what I remember, but I play few and far between

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*on Eliza

Wind might be town for her reaction to brad

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You responded to my vote on Wazza, said I had strange vibes, and voted me. Pardon me for assuming you took issue with my vote and not my townread.

It’s a joke, I say that in every game now


Okay gonna call Illwei obvious town and if she ends up wagoned or a town vig shoots her then you guys all suck.

What if I flip wolf

Why Kii?

Not gonna happen.

I’m OK with calling Illwei town atm
I don’t have extensive meta on her nor do I have a particularly good history of reading her, at least at the start, but I think you do? And so far I don’t get wolfy vibes from you rn

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I like their vibes

once they started using smalltext which was like their second post it didn’t sit right with me but i liked one of the like, 3? posts they made at SoD idr which one

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Illwei V Leafia W

I can probably call Achro town i think

I use smalltext often tbh, so, make of it what you will.
It’s cool you liked something though I guess.