Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Off the top of my head, I’ve seen Illwei assert her pushes more strongly as the game progresses, but I don’t think they usually start as hard pushes.

She bides her time before concluding something which is I think why I scumread her incorrectly so many times when I first played with her. I thought it was indecisiveness or hedge but it was just Illwei probably needing more time to become confident in her reads. In the one game where I thought she was town (correctly), she had some mech information she was able to use as solid evidence in her reads, so she was more vocal about it once her role was outed iirc.

So like, idk I think I’d probably trust Brad on his Illwei meta if he’s town, but I usually take more time to read her because as she said, we have different playstyles and it’s hard for me to translate things over into a way that I understand the methodology if it isn’t explicitly said lol.

This probably doesn’t help you but I’m just saying I personally do not rush to read her anymore

Good enough.

/vote Leafia @Host_Account_2

Is there even anyone besides brad who’s played with wolf!me before

I don’t think I’ve ever randed W on FoL

That’s NAI for me…

Hyper active currently, is bouncing reads around and is being transparent and unfiltered with every post, tunneling hard on someone and is explaining every detail as to why she’s scumreading the person. Usually the town pings from Illwei.

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Oh yeah. You’re right. I must’ve been thinking of a different game.

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Brad, do you have any wolfreads yet?

Your self-meta cements it further.

It’s not NAI for you whatsoever and I can pull up examples.
Your reads are purely based on if you can kill a town as wolf and as wolf you focus more on defending yourself, while you haven’t done that last part yet, I can see you following through on that in the future considering without interacting with me once, you put me at the top of your reads explanation, proving I’m on your mind.

Thanks for the stuff. As for me no, i was saving the hassle of you becoming a bad wagon later by making you address things. Not addressing things because you only have two votes is bad as either alignment. The more i get you to talk and address things the easier it is for me to read. If you dont address things early it can become a mess for me trying to sort it out later.

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Tbh I was going to write a very similar post to what Kii wrote, and realized it made absolutely no sense but thought it was because I’m sleep deprived

Idk if Kii is sleep deprived but I do think Leafia gets scumread as both alignments, meaning she gets “caught” for being wolfy as a wolf but by the same “evidence” that people ML her for

It’s just that she isn’t as easy of a meta read as people always think, even if they are familiar with her
I’ve also misread her at least once, probably more than that

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I hate this vote.

it’s literally on you
what are you gonna do, love it?

Once in popcorn hydra

Not yet I’m sitting back and collecting reads as I go, if I have a scumread or vote it’ll happen when it happens.

Well this is a horrific vote lol

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I think you might know the answer to this question due to knowing me

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Hmmm, I see. That makes sense.

I’m pretty sure that time Leafia got ML’d as town jailkeeper with half the town cc’ing her, she was entirely focused on defending herself


It was rhetorical lol

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Damn wind that’s a whole paragraph about me I’m flattered

none of it answers his question specifically about lhf though

but I’m flattered

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