Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

this feels towny but only because it sounds like something i’d do as V but Wind and I are Very Differen’t People.

He’s not wrong tbh
I think for people who haven’t played with her before, they tend to call her scummy way more often than not from what I’ve seen

If that’s the actual reason then that only makes me feel slightly better.

lol no

Pressure and her posting is just jagged, she’s pulling reads out constantly yet they hold no merit and just like Illwei pointed out, they’re usually on useless or fluff posts

Leafia, you kept pushing for me to die before Arctic and Arctic ITA’d me, I flipped town, and he flipped wolf :joy_cat:

Yes as both alignments.

I just think the post doesn’t make much sense to me, in that like, It. It just doesn’t make sense. “it’s a coinflip killing her if she’s v” “she gets caught as mafia”

Nah she usually gets a scumread early and tunnels it. Usually is >rand correct.

And this is an additional add on (although it wasn’t there at the time of the vote)

As wolf, Leafia focuses on the people voting her a lot more than she does focus on other slots

Fair enough. Sorry for not being more clear.

She’ll still bounce around and vote who she feels like voting, but usually you’ll know her main scumread.

Achro i usually do my best to stay away from lhf slots as town

Leafia might be my one weakness and maybe it’s because I still feel resentment over my first game but I don’t think it’s that ahahahh!

Why do you think her reads hold no merit?

I’m not seeing it right now. You’ll have to explain this one to me.

You’ve posted more than 20% of the replies here, is there anyone else you would like to hear from?

Wazza trending down still

Have you read them and have you ever played with Leafia before?

Hm. What makes town illwei and scum illwei different? Open question. They are pinging me but not sure if thats just me being unfamiliar.

k wazza trending down but still town