Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

you know its a good day when you open thread to this


No, I did consider that at P#3811.
Then Windward said she did not think so at P#3850, and I just took her words for granted because I don’t know Marl well enough.

Wow. You’re not even letting me test beancat’s reaction on you openwolfing even though you obviously didn’t, and instead went all defensive?

What a party pooper! :-1:

It was you who didn’t think so.

Then congratulations Marluxion:
You succeeded in convincing good ol’ dum dum Zone that Leafia is your scumbuddy!

I think you just made it obvious that you’re scumbuddies with Marl by pushing his obvious agenda.

My lean is v/v btw lol

Also Eliza do you still have a problem with me gathering sheep.


In what way

Last I saw them they were 30 odd posts in and they looked pretty towny

You think Zone and I are both villagers?

Yep! [The possibility that Marl fakespewed v!Leafia as wolf] was indeed rejected by me first.

However! I initially thought that because I thought Marl was incapable of fakespewing (P#3790)
–which Windward denied. (P#3795)

Then I asked Windward whether she thought Marl actually fakespewed, (P#3811)
she said: “No, I don’t think that was Marl’s intention.” (P#3850)

Then I said:

To which she said:

Damn. My argument quality is devolving so much, for it to have come down to a “he said she said” level.


Nowhere does that say I can’t be a villager.

Meh. Tried to RT you and failed.
Go read my latest post. Should have the main things as to why I think Leafia is sus.

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i see thread has gotten much more focused after i left


heres this
stop focusing on leafia
we’re not going to get anything out of it because it is leafia


I literally cannot play the video game if nobody else is

This is something I agree with. We need to focus on other slots now.

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Nowhere am I saying I see you as a villager.

im majorly burnt out with this game because nothing has happened
lets move on and focus on beancat or something

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stop banging rocks together