Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

i have like nothing here
but you guys have also done about the same as me (excluding townreads)

guys i just made an absolutely killer readlist

go reply to that

I hope itā€™s better than the one you just posted.

leafia just because i didnt write a complex reasoning on why i scumread you doesnā€™t mean its not good

youā€™re leafia

So? Thatā€™s no reason to scumread me.

i literally said my reasonings 5000 times
stop focusing on yourself and play the game

Contrary to popular belief, itā€™s possible for me to rand town you know.

i told everyone to forget about you and move past it for a reason

I am playing the game and quote your reasoning then.

or you could
read the past 40 posts

reply to a part of the readlist which doesnt solely focus on you

I have.

you constantly act extremely scummy for no reason
you never actually play the game
you only focus on yourself
your reasonings never make sense
youā€™ve done nothing useful or towny all game

now lets do something useful

Literally none of that is ever true and even if it was always true, it makes absolutely no sense to scumread me for things I do regardless of my alignment.

now prove me wrong
reply to a different part of the readlist you have a problem with or type up which parts you agree with

doing a great job on the proving me wrong business

Allyou need to do to see that youā€™re wrong is to iso me. Not saying that doung what you suggest is a bad idea though, so Iā€™ll do just that.

Achro read I 100%agree with.

Zone I definitely donā€™t because Zoneā€™s posts just scream of wolfy agenda which Zone has even admitted to. Even so, considering itā€™s Zone, Iā€™m willing to consider the possibility that heā€™s a villager even if I doubt it. The way heā€™s acting reeks of him trying to use my interactions with Marl to get me misexed.

Vulgard Iā€™d put in townlean because heā€™s been villagery enough lately even if I still have my reservations about him.

Wazza, the only thing even remotely clearing for her is Marlā€™s sudden push on her. As for what it means, I donā€™t know yet so sheā€™s still a scumlean for me right now.

Illwei has improved a lot since early D1 so Iā€™d put her at null and not nullscum.

I do sort of agree with Atlasā€™s read on Alice but itā€™ll hinge on her reasons for being so inactive D1.