Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

You’re literally insulting me directly. I honestly thought you were better than this Atlas.

im not going to bother
seya all

Still not everyone.

Still no reason to insult me like Atlas did.

Because you’re clearly not seeing things in the same way that I am.

Atlas, calling someone a bad player is insulting them. Especially when it’s not true. You don’t get to decide whether a player is good or not.

Yeah you’re right, sorry.
I’m just insanely tired and frustrated rn, still grabbing evidence on why you’re scum tho

well I didn’t know the context, obviously not everyone is gonna suspect you, I just know it was weird for you to say that only you suspected me

yeah as I’m not looking through the game with TMI

(this sounds sarcastic btw, it’s not, I’m genuinely apologising)

Wazza, it literally isn’t. Flipflopping is calling someone wolf, then a villager, then a wolf and why wouldn’t I be willing to reconsider my reads as a villager if you think I’ve been flipfloppy? You’re eitherva wolf or have the worst tunnel vision I’ve ever seen.

When Atlas apologizes for insulting me the way he did which really annoyed me, I’ll stop.

Flipflopping is being visibly indecisive with your reads which you were doing, you were flipflopping your vote by changing it constantly. You would be willing to reconsider your reads as a villager, if you were a normal one, but you’re someone who’s very strict on her reads as villager so much to a degree that you switch a lot less than you would unless you were scum. Your reads feel like you’re capitalising on other players pushes at times or against people who are suspecting you.

You talk about me having the worst tunnelvision? You’ve been obsessed with my slot since the moment I accused you in the slightest

You’re not the one that upset me so you didn’t have to apologize. Thanks though. I’m sorry if I upset you too. Maybe we’re letting this get way too heated.

nah I told you to go fuck yourself and that was kinda
not nice as even people in the thread spoke about it

go be smart zone
im counting on you

You say that, but uh… my only smart point was to not continue wasting time talking with Leafia.

I haven’t gotten any concrete scumreads yet aside from the fact that Gorta is tunneling me.

I know @Alice townreads Gorta because she thinks w!Gorta “could have” pushed me for my SK claim like Vulgard did, instead of pushing that I am Mafia. This is… fair, I suppose. However, it still does not change the fact that he thought solely of this world and kept pushing for it without even considering of any alternatives.

…sigh, I’ll just give up on pushing Gorta. Nobody cares anyway as long as Leafia is alive to distract the town.

Alice, what are your thoughts on Vulgard?

No. You’ve been obsessed with my slot and you’ve had me as lock w ever since early D1 never stopped. I’ve also been getting better in that regard as a villager. And yet just because I show signs of further improvement there by not being as set in my reads, I have to be a wolf. It can’t just me improving as a villager.

Hmmm, true. Although it didn’t upset me in the slightest honestly. I even thought of joking about it. Giggles,Atlas insulting my skill level is the only thing that has upset me this game honestly.

I never once locked you as wolf, I’m just insanely confident you’re wolf and I’m confident you can flip wolf more than other slots. If I had you locked as wolf, I would’ve continued my push after Marl claimed since then you’re just on the same level as him, both having being outed wolfs to me.

You could flip Town for all I care, it’d be unfortunate, I was wrong, but the parallels between this game and SFoL67 are uncanny and I’m grabbing quotes so that even you yourself can see that

Seems we have a different definition of flipflopping then too.

Then why haven’t you even once considered the possibility that you could be wrong about me? Also, just because someone is similar to how they were in a scumgame of theirs doesn’t mean they can’t be a villager. Especially when they’ve been that same way as a villager too. You need to look at other stuff too.

I have, I just haven’t done it publicly
my conclusion has just been the same, “probably not wrong”
it’s like how I haven’t stated any of my other scumreads publicly like at all