Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

In corrupted votes he kept pushing me for claiming 3p under paranoia and was V. I think he’s doing the same thing here.

Town with an asterisk.

So far his posts are ~fine but his comment on Marl’s aligned felt kind of partnery being that it feels like Vulgard was creating a pretext to distance from him.

If you had, I wouldn’t be so certain that you’re a wolf right now because it feels like you have some sort of vendetta for me the way you’ve been hyperfocused on that one thing, which doesn’t feel villagery at all.

Your read on me impacts me little, you can think I’m wolf all you want, it doesn’t change the fact I think you’re wolf

Why do I try time and time again to read Wind
I can’t
Anyway here’s my attempt, only up to D1 cause windy is talkative
Side note watching wind saying they will leave the thread and posting 20 more times is kinda funny

Notable posts from wind ISO:


So they claim to only skim 10 of Leafia’s post (and corroborates this multiple times through the day), and spit out a townread. Then they keep being very hedgy in both directions, saying this:

But at the same time continuing to defend Leafia with posts like these:

The worst part is they seem to be aware of themselves not being great about their defense of Leafia:

and yet they spend a good portion of D1 defending Leafia for… not much of a good reason.

This sorta-defense just because they “wanted to go against thread consensus” feels a) performative and 2) somewhat TMI-y. They aren’t really doing anything or broadening their reads based on their semi-read on Leafia (something they said they would do since their Leafia read was to get people talking about them), and just softly defending them the entire time.

Then we get to the “I’ll most definitely bus Leafia” portion:

This kinda chainsaws into why they scumread Marl, for supposedly not being able to catch onto this. I’ll talk about this more in the “Marl” section, but this self-meta is by no means a reason to suddenly jump to Marl.


Starts with a “lmao they suck at reading Leafia”
Then they go into secretive mode about their read on Marl:

This coy little act calling them towny but not at the same time just feels incredibly hedgy, and if Windward was partnered with Marl would explain their unwillingness to bus a strong teammate D1.

Then they explain their read like this:

In this part they seem to give a couple reasons on Marl, but if you look closely the only point that they actually wolfread Marl on is their interaction with Leafia. And as this as a turning point, they start fixating on this one argument and they start to dig it.

This switch between “idk about marl” to fixating on this one thing feels quite abrupt and unnatural - in some posts they claim there are still some good things about Marl:

But they really don’t talk about the different facets and just keep focusing on that one interaction with Leafia/Marl. This feels way too narrow, and it feels like Windward has the goal of “attack Marl” and is doing things to compensate for it; this would mean that they have a bussing agenda with Marl.

Arsonist talk

This is the one thing that they have good going for them, but I think at this point w!Windward would have been in full bus mode, meaning they would have supported trusting eevee and killing Marl.


This section is included in here for my sake, to look at interactions later


  1. Their Leafia read feels performative and TMI-y, they claim it’s to make people talk about their slot but they haven’t really expanded their reads on Leafia other than for Marl. End effect is just having soft-defended Leafia.
  2. Their hyperfixation on Marl misreading the Leafia/Windward interaction feels as if there is an external motive behind it, bussing would be an excellent one.
  3. Their reaction to eevee wanting to kill Marl does feel towny, but can also be explained by bussing.

I believe Windward started the game soft defending Leafia and used the “I would not do this if both of us were scum” argument to get some towncred, then bussed Marl.

Or not
And I’m just stupid

and this, kids, is why i said earlier that focusing on leafia is useless

That took too long
What’s the current topic of conversation

Alice, how certain are you that Wazza is a villager?

it has been leafia for the past 8 hours

anyway seya
im not dealing with all this while im this exhausted

Stop focusing on Leafia
There are other slots in the game that need looking at

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…welp, I don’t remember the events that happened in that game despite me being the host of said game, so I’ll take your word for granted for the time being.

He did push me for being SK, which was the reason I continued softing Vigilante D1.
Do you think this is something noteworthy at all?

Alice with the shade on me
Does this mean they’re scum again like FAM2

I hope not, because if she does, then she has pocketed me again.

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Still waiting for your apology to me.

im not apologizing for calling you bad at forum mafia

Why exactly does WWA’s interaction with Marl point to bussing over them being V/W?


Wouldn’t yeet 'em today. Wouldn’t bet the game on it.

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Also, let’s focus on a different slot. I’m thinking PlagueSimp. It feels a bit like he’s trying to go utr to me honestly. Let’s see if we can lure him out.

/vote PlagueSimp @Host_Account_2

Too tired to stay up any longer now too so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

He then swapped his push to being a godfather fakeclaim which feels kind of ??? for a wolf to do.