Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

I did that because of your BS read on me and no you can’t prove anything and self meta is also NAI from me and anyone who knows me can tell you that.

If you do it in every game, you’re bound to be correct again eventually :joy_cat:

(that was a great read tho)

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What is your read on me?

I want to call wind town for a number of posts that are just completely almost irrelevant to the game but not irrelevant in a meta way and then her defense of leafia and then backdown but all of these things are normally wolfy in my eyes so I don’t know what you’re doing wind

Alternate randomly between shitposting and godreading

I’m being wind

I already do that though

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That’s not why I hate it. It’s a very sheepish vote.

How about you explain your vote first since it is better than your last one?

oh no guys, sorry there’s my ego, I’ll reign him back in


Welcome to my world.

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Alternate, uh, less randomly? Idk
How do you keep people on their toes if you predictably do things unpredictably

it’s a hard knock life

sometimes i go whole games shitposty and whole games without a single line of fluff

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Btw I still have my snapread on Leafia being town
Keeping that there until further notice

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I literally can prove it and I will after I eat food lmao

although it will be a while
the archives aren’t pleasant


That’s even worse honestly.

your snapread based off of things that you claim were >rand Leafia

It’s better than no read I guess

I’m just sitting here waiting for this Achro/vul interaction to pan out

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Your honor, league of legends