Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

And I’d be lying if I didn’t say I also think it’s just funny to go against the thread movement for the heck of it

I agree

Says the person not providing any evidence herself. Also, I’m too lazy to go and find it.

My advice to you if you are town is to focus on people defending you and if any of them are doing so unduly btw. Not everyone who votes you will be suspicious. I know you disliked vul pre vote but do you think anyone is maybe tmi-ing your alignment like you thought vul was?

I don’t play, but i agree


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Hi Windy!

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Perfect timing cause I was gonna ask Leafia what she thought of my defending her for no apparent reason

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Did you turn into me?

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every day i remember the time esooa told me she was defending the player she redchecked in thread for the fun of it


Wind this feels self aware in a bad way lol

I’m just dipping in real quick since I’m busy.
I’m skimmed through most of what has been posted and I find Leafia and Illwei to be townie.
I’ll explain why on regards to both players later.

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I am always self-aware
If you didn’t know that, you’re about to find out lol

Yes FoL this is a complete sentence.


wait i forgot
no longer arete’s cat


Also if marl doesnt v read me always w btw

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You’re back to being your cat’s human

marl >rand w

Zorvo >rand v if leafia v