Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

What does the Executioner role even do? Is it like a ToS Exe?

His spew is only valuable up till the wagon built up on him and he claimed ret

Everything after that, he knew he was probably a goner

Heā€™s more of a powerwolf rather than busser now.

I assume so? But I havenā€™t played ToS so idk

Isnā€™t that a role that just needs a certain player eliminated during the day?

He bussed in Ace Attorney from what I read
He hard distanced with Wisdom in fam by joining a death event with them


Yep. I donā€™t think we have an Exe unless theyā€™ve basically decided to not play at all.


He threw pushes at Leafia and Wazza pretty hard, beancat was a light commentary, Kii as well was a light commentary, Achro was pure OMGUS and Achro is super clear, idk how you want to consider how he handled my slot but he only pushed me when I wasnā€™t in the thread, and when I came back he changed his mind and said I was v, then I left again and he decided to push me lol

Welp, okay. Agree to disagree.

Idk some people just die inside when they rand executioner so

Yeah Iā€™m not saying he exclusively pushed partners but I think he had to have pushed at least one, maybe two

if there is an executioner, theyā€™re just among the players who decided not to play lol

I am Executioner and BradLand is my target


Yeah I understood what you meant
And in that case Iā€™d look at Kii and Beancat because I think heā€™d be more likely to shade a partner without hard advocating for their flip like he did with Leafia and Wazza

That was literally my first thought when Windward mentioned Executionerā€¦


Oh yeah actually, do you have an opinion on Kiiruma? Cause I thought it was unpartnered treatment but maybe a second opinion from you guys would be good

Brad has yet to talk at all IIRC, so Exe!Vul pushing a LHF!Brad would be like stealing candy from a baby.

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I thought his posts were villagery but he kinda hasnā€™t done anything lately
Not doing anything is common from villagers here though so Iā€™m not reading into that too much in this case

VT claim feels very >>rand V from them. One of their main bread and butter as a wolf in RM games is to claim a valuable role like Mech Oracle in Umineko and for them to just claim VT like this kind of feels like itā€™d come from V!Kii than W!Kii.

Wouldnā€™t lock this in, just donā€™t think that itā€™s that likely for 'em to be W here.

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At the rate at which Beancat is providing reads heā€™ll have five reads in LyLo