Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Please don’t even bring up that possibility because I would’ve been malding


I forgot to type “not”; I remember you saying that Marl did not spew much or anything at all on Brad.

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Ah yeah

I feel like if town!Leafia it’s Brad/Hippo/+1 and if wolf!Leafia it’s still Brad (:joy_cat:) +1

Idk if I should be concerned about the fact I currently have Brad as always mafia and I fully expect him to come here and yell at me for wolfcasing him but that’s how it is right now

I’m joining forces with you so he’s probably gonna yell at me too

I’ve also just realized that I’m making an assumption there are only 4 wolves for some reason
I think it’s because eevee said there were two neutrals?

No, it was Marl who said that

Wazza’s only interaction with Marl, tbh. Happened after the openwolf.

Brad SR’d Wazza/Zone/Eliza yet never really pushed 'em. I don’t think he ever brough up the three SRs like afterwards?

Oh yeah
Not sure how much stock to put into it but I’ve been instinctively making teams of three so I guess I have TMI :skull:

He was in antispew so we can’t really discount the possibility he was lying to throw us off
He was definitely trying to spite eevee but I don’t necessarily think he told the whole truth

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I’m reminded of wolf!Alice outing Chloe as NK and it taking 2 phases to kill her because her WiM is high and we doubted whether Alice would tell the truth

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I’m mostly at “yeah maybe there are only 3 more wolves because a bunch of the poed players probably can’t even be scum together”

Yeah, I mean we only had the Eevee kill+Seth’s suicide shot on Min. Not really enough proof that we have 4 wolves.


…? Alice, are you townreading Leafia now?
Do you think it’s Hippo over Leafia?

Yes. Marl/Leafia interactions don’t look that W/W-y to me.

Frankly if we do have 5 wolves than that would mean that Marl probably didn’t have good antispew as well, tho?

Yeah, as I said before
It indicates a missed night kill from the other SK, so executioner/arsonist#2/something that got blocked… or just that there are more than 4 wolves.

Marl likes to bus and distance so I find it incredibly dubious that he didn’t push on any of his partners

Well, okay.
…that’s it; just “okay”.
I want Brad to come and talk first before I make my judgement.