Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20



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Realistically thereā€™s nothing stopping Leafia from being in their spot off the ā€œMarl would bus Leafiaā€ reasoning
Remind me of the interactions youā€™re referring to?

No joke I tunnelled the shit out of a wolf team in BotF and was asked never to do it again because it made the game unfun lol
In case anyone wondered why I rarely play it

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Btw the thing about suspecting certain people as wolf is we have 2 left after brad. So you should be looking for aligned pairs exclusively.

Then you need to find the sk who wont have any bad interactions due toā€¦ being sk

(Marl and I teamed up and RTā€™d the living daylights out of Leafia and mined her spew for her partner Kiiruma, so tbf that was pretty rough)

botf isnt real
botf isnt real
botf isnt real

My epic strategy for finding the SK will be to vote out LHF townies until final 4 and then snapvote a player I townread because they are probably the last remaining evil, then I will convince exactly Atlas to vote my way
Elite reference for the initiated

Yes and?

Leafia feels far less TMI-y this game than what I usually see from her wolf game.

Plus Iā€™m still on Hippo W and thereā€™s no way in hell that Leafia/Hippo are W/W.

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Also Alice I get using meta but Umineko was like 3 years ago or more right? I recommend looking through CatGirls from a few months ago which was my last mafia game and comparing it their because I play quite differently now.

I do agree that Leafia/Hippo are not W/W

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Why canā€™t they be w/w? I thought you said Hippo took no real stance on Leafia.

me when pci


Ok clearly Iā€™m missing something

I literally can resolve my thunderdome with Hippo overnight. The mech-correct play is to always let this shit self-resolve n3.

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Grats on the sk win.

But yeah sk hunting is tough but possible. I will be long dead but also as sk at this point i have to stop try harding. Sk achro chance died when i isoed tonight lol