Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Claimed that Leafia looked W/W with Marl. 90%+ of the time wolves link their buddies with villagers rather than other wolves.


Yeah I’m more interested in why we would want to yeet a zeroposter on d3

Oh right, valid point

Leafia, if you’re reading this, try to convince another wolf to go into antispew so you can survive day 3

Wow uh…1,000 new posts since last night…
hoooooly shit.

Elite crosspost

Hi Brad what’s your read on Alice and Hippo

Town and wolf respectively.

and you
because you got pinged like 400 times

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I just saw Alice quote the same thing 4 times in a row with a ping to Windward…what in the fuck.



I made offhand comments about kiiruma, and disliked Leafia d1 and how their handling things but I also scumread Brad d1 and would rather hang them.

Esp cuz their consensus and im just sheeping achro and vul.

You cant say im not voting for people i scumread, this was like my 5th post d1

My most recent 10 notifications are 8 tags from Alice and one like from Alice

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Claim time brad

The tenth is from hippo


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she’s been pushing hippo and nobody else for about 2 hours
and yelling at us for not immediately sticking to her side, making us far less likely to