Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Think of it less as a mark against you and more taking away town credit.

Basically i just got set on fire in champs for shoving my world view down people’s throats. If i am wrong about pidgeon slot then i have to consider i am wrong about you too.


Marl didn’t confirm they knew which roles were unique
I don’t doubt that eevee could’ve figured it out just by logic, though. Some of those roles are just incredibly broken if they roll too many times.

Then again I could say the same about a 20p game having two SKs so lol, lmao, if that’s the case

hey what happened to @PlagueSimp

Amelia just subbed in for them


it wasn’t in thread marks so


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Well we almost cant have an sk unless they doubled up on vul and if sk got blocked n1 in some way. Seems crazy coincidence.

The fact that anticlaim is strongman instead of vig is already weird tbh.
But also: Why bother having a possibility of a strongman in the rand in the first place?
…dunno where this topic is going.

pigeon, Gorta, and one of the slankers (anyone within [Eliza, Amelia, Kiiruma])

I think executioner is the only possibility

Ok this one can be w/w

I am assuming sk wouldnt have killed min or seth fwiw


I did look at op and it says the town roles can rand multiples
It doesn’t say there can be two arsos

Usually tp always goes on @Kiiruma d1 here

legit i couldn’t find them in the playerlist but they had 35 posts :sob:

Sk couldve killed min but probably never Seth, he didn’t soft vig, and he made it obvious he was gonna shoot min tbh

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Which roles are unique…
Hey, how funny would it be if he were to say “none”?


Is that sarcasm

Ok here, listen to me you little hecker.