Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Damnit he looked

/vote zorvo


If you donā€™t see him he canā€™t see you
Look away

This is spicy
Iā€™m excited thereā€™s actually going to be an explanation
(or so I hope)

Itā€™s a good time to really leave the thread

You should try it

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One of these days

Ill count to three and weā€™ll both leave


I done goofed
I left the thread and then accidentally opened it again now
Send help

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Massive wall post equals town


well over 100 posts by Illwei and three standing out with one being a meme post is certainly a take, Zorvo.


Solving me is easy. Wait for me to die, and if I do not die, vote me out.

This is literally the best thing my home site has come up with after 15 years. Thatā€™s all they got.

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Pretty stupid method

Thereā€™s a reason why I am here now ;)

Id take it over how my homesite reads me

I forgot i was supposed to leave thread

Vulgard might be a wolf

Need more sauce to add onto my decision though

At the least I donā€™t think him and wazza are partnered

I also want to note wazzas wallpost in defense of leafia; I donā€™t think itā€™s inherently wolfy but i have a fairly strong opinion that wazza w means leafia v


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