Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Btw why did you think janitor was 3 shot day 1 but today it was 1-2?

because i realized how stupid that would be

kinda just
removes logs from the game

I’d prefer not to claim anyway tbh

even if you asked I’d just refuse lol


Just so you know while you have done nothing to arouse my suspicion i just remembered no one here knows your meta very well so we could be underestimating you.

Alao last time i cleared someone for wolf spew day one it didnt go well for me.

Its ok i will just shoot you tonight with our third vig shot

Freedom? :pleading_face:


Btw whats the big deal about claiming. Sheriff and mayor are claimed you shouldnt be that against it if it takes you out of our potential backups shot list

Also I’ve just scrolled through 300 of your D2 posts towards the start and couldn’t find the quote I was thinking off so either it wasn’t you who said it or I’m stupid and can’t find it

Yeah i didnt remember having too big of an issue with you.

Claiming rn for me doesn’t help town and I’d rather not have any form of potential chance to throw myself in front of a consort or if I’m an investigative to have my targets easy to find for a framer

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Leafia claiming was dumb, but it makes me think she’s town, at least for now

Well luckily for you i think eliza did an oops so

i agree tbh
unless we’re going for wazza or if she has something she needs to out it might be best to have her just keep it to herself

this is mostly directed for making Leafia claim, I’m putting the blame on you for outing our sheriff despite the fact I was going to do the same :gun:

Not that dumb tbh. She has issues with surviving today without it. Big smart

i enjoy getting 3 mech clears out of nowhere

(this is a jokepost btw)

Power roles are not the most precious thing town has. Lynches are.