Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Godfather fear?

I think I missed something, is Amelia greenchecked? I know Leafia claimed but I think I missed if it was her who did it

leafia claim

hippo green
amelia green


probably Zone then

Or one of the civilians?


Feel like we’re really pushing it keeping eliza and pigeon alive after their claims and their games tbh

did you see my mech chart I posted where eevee went over the common setup? we’re bursting with power even IF pigeon and eliza are wolf

Gorta, Kii and myself all claim civilian, right?

theres like 7 civ claims

So are wolves, I’m suspecting a double arson game rn if wolves were telling the truth about only having 4 of them which is a huge power for the technical arso duo

@Wazza I broke it down here.

This makes no sense namely because why would I lie about being civilian correlate to the amount of power we have?

Also you have a leap in logic
I refuse to trust in those of you blatantly show that

… by liars I meant if the powers are roughly what we think they are there are probably two wolves in that short list lol.

Achro, if you claim witch, what are your actions?

I saved Vul night one. I could not act night two. Also I don’t ‘claim’ it, Illwei seered me and claimed it for me when asked.

this best summarizes my feelings towards this interaction


You saved Vulgard N1…?

also consig is a thing
regardless of if marl flipped it

I had a post about it up above, yes. Well apparently I tried to I should say since I believe Eliza blocked me even though I get no feedback lol

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If you know this, are you roleblock immune?