Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20


Cause I should be focusing on finding 4 wolves, not 3 wolves and a 3p

Atlas brought up a very good point earlier about Gorta, though

Checkmate scum

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He has only been focused on two things:

  1. Insisting Zone must be a godfather
  2. Defending himself from kiiruma

Literally that’s it. Classic executioner imo.

Oh no help

Hippo whats your thoughts on my being confirmed town

How does that make you feel

read again imo

Also on readjng my previous games tho

We are talkjng about gorta right

I didnt even scumread you, the list of ppl u got mad at was the 9 ppl who werent confirmed


I am, yes



I can’t find where that discussion on Gorta went

My fav thing about today was when it was revealed almost half the playerlist claim to not have been aware that Eevee claimed Arsonist d1


Looking at the playerlist
Idk whether to be surprised or not about that
I think as town some of them legit wouldn’t have noticed
I also think as wolves they could pretend not to notice because of their meta

Read Gorta’s iso again or read Atlas’s interaction with him?

Gorta, especially today

Comes off as whiny town to me in a good way

but give me your thoughts tbh

Does no one care abojt the fact that me message was only one character long