Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Maybe Hippo and pigeon should just shoot each other lol

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Thats funny so i agree

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Gonna be afk for most of the rest of the day, tag me if you want my attention

Well, no one read this
/vote beancat @Host_Account_2

is that all you got? I asked you if you could ISO all 3 people in your little ISO

except that’s not true and you know that

first off I’ve explained why Zone is likely bad and second of all have you not payed attention to how Pigeon is 90% fake?

I think we should have conpeting eliza and pigeon wagons. Might have some intrigue

I’ll vote pigeon /vote Pigeon @Host_Account_2

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I already have taken a glance at your ISOs and nothing stood out to me
My beancat ISO already took 15m, I don’t want to do that again

I can take a look at Eliza as well though

then I’ll likely see about taking a break

Yeah true you dont wanna tire yourself out with all your solving, have a rest king

Gorta has done more solving than a solid third of the game tbh

Rest assured Gorta, I am listening even if I may not always respond.

And I can kill at night.

What now
Wth is your role

Also why was their a doublevote yesterday

I have already claimed.

Found it
Though that means you aren’t the doublevoter