Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Lets check each other tonight to confirm

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Anyway marl since apparently leafia can kill a whole wolf team by herself as wolf I am vetoing her lynch today.

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Smart. Deal.

brave take, you can sit in the town tree today

iā€™m the leader

Ha ha haā€¦ of course you are.

Of course. We all know who the leader is.

ā€¦ ā€¦

Itā€™s you! Yes, thatā€™s what I meant.

real talk i dont really wanna yeet leafia today anyway
i think she is >rand to be w but i want to see her response to what i said

i think wazza is more likely a hit anyway

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Bradland seems mildly mafiay too

Nah wazza seems cool

Sure I am so far still down for Wazza stuff

also thoughts on windā€™s posts about you and stuff and why I voted her? Does that check out for town wind? someoneā€™s gotta have a bead on this person lol

Unrelated but like, whats the actual point of the flavor we chose is it just for memes

it was also your role randomized.

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still waiting on her to answer my questions on what leafia posts she skimmed, will get back to you

dont wanna show my hand too early and all


I do get MLd a lot (again, 39% of my village games), but 50% (real percentage) of those times happen on day 3/4, (23%/27%) after people have killed other people and decide that i could actually be in my wolfrange, especially if Iā€™ve pushed wolves. I think in the times Iā€™ve been MLd (i want to look more into this) it has always been majority wolves on or pushing my wagon, and they keep me around for that day 3/4 ML because they know people will be fine with it. If Iā€™m not dead by D4 though I most likely wonā€™t be killed by the village

fun bonus fact, I have never been yeeted as a wolf on day 4

I do actually think Iā€™m polarized enough in a way- in a lot of town games I will be obvious town in the way that you justā€¦know? I donā€™t understand other peopleā€™s reads on me, ok,.
but in my wolfgames i can barely maintain the same energy as i do as a villager in general so i become obvious latest at like day 3 (30% of the time i am killed as a wolf it is on D3) but as thatā€™s when the majority of my village elims happen i donā€™t know how to feel about that

Iā€™ve gotten sidetracked enough here

anyways I donā€™t know but I donā€™t really care enough to think about windā€™s approach to me right now because I donā€™t feel confident in her being a wolf enough to care

Someone said you are a Crichard alt i assume this is true

where the heck is alice


Foiled again.

I like her vibes and sticking around thread when she should be sleeping

I know itā€™s not AI really for a lot of people and sticking around later is an easy townread method but wind is a good player and I am going to assume she is town today and work from there as much as my brain will let me

true but no