Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

I noticed that much too. Could be a Seth alt.

Someone correct me on marls meta
Do they usually do this or was I correct during FAM2

as a wolf yes

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at least thats what i remember from pci

idk I’m vibing with Zorvo right now
they feel like a realist, I like em

They nearly always tunnel me to death.

im genuinely just going to read him like seth at least for now
they seem extremely similar

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that is also true
regardless of alignment apperantly

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even if Zorvo is Seth
he’s not doing Seth things
and that’s a W

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A h

Okay yea I know why I was getting Seth flashbacks

Darn I was just about to vote them too

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fair enough
no offense seth

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No they are very much doing seth things


  • misses nuance
  • makes insults about it
  • tunnels based on it

Yea I’d say this is Seth

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Also if my classical read of ‘town playing with me have no idea what the fuck i am’ alice is probably town even though i have no idea how she thinks i am being on the sidelines lol

I more meant the annoying Seth things


Be thankful for that much.

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Cool so time to ignore Vul/Seth for now

Anyone wanna walk me through their most confident read so that I can doubt it

I keep thinking “why is my name not pink did chloe cancel my patreon”

Then I realize im stupid

also I think the pfp is from Yu-Gi-Oh

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@Zorvo hi so vul and wazza had a back and forth after this that to me would be really epic wolf theatre for day one after vul sheeped an early read. Maybe thats a thing around here but for day one thats on the very high end of performative so i tend to dismiss those things early game.