Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

also this doesnt align with feedback

why would the res out when it 100% kills them night 1 lmao. I mean I guess he can also just be lying town tbf

but always a lie.

iā€™m not claiming to convince you
i already know you arenā€™t going to change your mind beacuse your ego got hurt that i didnā€™t bother trying to force a read onto you :joy_cat:

TMIā€™ing town achro for days here.

because iā€™m either going to claim or die to you tunneling me
thatā€™s why sir

this means its more like a prophet thing
they die with them
that isnt a revive


yes it does

correct when i die my resurrected target also dies

didnā€™t realize that bit was public knowledge :wowee:

Jokes on marl I am actually wolf who got him to claim like a boss

a possibility he apparently discarded while also having no read on me lolol

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i dont need to solve you because the cop is going to check you night 1 or they are throwing :joy_cat:

so why do you treat me like I am town in all of our interactions lol.

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What even is your logic

because i dont need to bother solving you! We have mechanics

cops should always check the deepest possible wolves

if wolves are lhf they will lose anyway

Guys what if itā€™s w/

the optimal way to play cop

Who do you think are dying at nighr

me now, because i claimed, hopefully

god achro constantly repeating ā€œlook at how tmiā€™d v iā€™m gettingā€ when iā€™m a fucking villager is the most obnoxious shit iā€™ve seen in a long time