it feels very strange to me @Atlas how much momentum italy has but olivest is at 0 votes

this feels wrong, but also I might just be rusty but hm

Feels like italy is being overly scrutinized compared to some.

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Maybe. I do have an issue with hyperfocusing on things sometimes.

Iso Olivest for me and tell me what you like about it?

frost came in and voted them with two posts
jarek placed a vote on them about one post
and hazard voted on them with a sentence explaining it
all lower-posters who are decently opinionated most games

olv being at zero votes means

  1. scum hates voting middle-higher posters, despite lack of substance/pushing
  2. they’re probably evil

italy has just been kinda like Jarek for me
in that
he’s there

but jarek’s better socially wise
i don’t know why they decided on italy over kii though

I think this is NAI but irrespective of that I have a deep seated disagreement with eliminating anyone just for being themselves. If it ever came to that for me, I’d quit.

It’s bad advice but I’ve seen opinions like these elsewhere. I don’t think it alone is NAI because this sentiment has been expressed on other games, with both these players and others.


Made me laugh.

The wording on how they feel might be offputting, but if someone were pushing me and I know I’m town, I’d be on their ass for being stupid. I wouldn’t call it discomfort I’d just be calling them evil. Idk.

Tarkov raid just started so that’s where I’m leaving off

i don’t think jarek actually believes this

not that he wouldn’t push people for pushing him; that he would push them for being stupid

this game, especially, if someone had pushed you, wouldnt be stupid

No more specifically if they’re like “here’s a scum case on you and why you’re evil” I would know, for a fact, they are wrong, because I’m not evil

so while they wouldn’t be stupid that’s a rude assumption to make, they’re wrong. For a reason.

I am never agreeing with someone and going “yeah lol I am evil wow good job” either because I’m not and they’re patently wrong or I’d be gamethrowing, in either case, I’m not lying down and taking it and they’re getting pushed back for it, until they can explain themselves or back off

I can’t assume others play the same way, unfortunately.

im aware im nitpicking you saying “stupid” rather then “misguided” or whatever but

i don’t really think you would ever thing they’re stupid, just bad at the game, or, in most things, just have no idea how to read you

Absolutely not because that’s not cool, I’d probably just call them bad yeah.

If even that, until I flip them I don’t know shit

The heck is this lol, post this and post that without providing the context of said post

Thoughts on Olivest?

referring to gar, not italy

your posts about italy

this is what i meant by there not being much; you’re only referring to one or two of his posts, which were just kinda eh

with this being your main point
could italy have done it as wolf
is it no more then a coinflip, really

Votecount as of post #1335

Sylveon (3): Neon, Achromatic, Zorvo
Italy (3): Jarek, Hazardwaste, Frostwolf103
Zorvo (1): Sylveon
Frostwolf103 (1): Kiiruma

Not Voting (6): Atlas, Italy, Garfooled, Olivest, JakeTheWolfie, guavagudetama

Thats fair just what i originally thought. am not gonna insta lock them as good aligned. just thought it was a good gesture

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No problem