All right I bite

@Jarek is this true?

and this
read rather then considered as good

is what true

it sorta invokes that hazard was townreading jake, and had a solid foundation on it, for a shaky reason
wasn’t really true
its just odd

Clarification, who’s Jake?


1 Like

No idea who Jake is


Wasn’t my intention, I think you’re reading way way way too much into it

so, you’re saying that you knew hazard only had a minor nulltown on jake
so why even bother bringing it up

Hello everyone, I came

Even more reading time

Meanwhile how’s everyone?

I don’t…

Atlas so like, what was your read on my slot after all of that earlier ordeal?

im a bit upset both of you don’t know, and you’re both still pushing me

Zoro definetly pre-meditated how he should act before game so I have to proceed with caution… gun to head, I think Zoro is town because he’s anything else than placid.

leafia had been shading my slot and not contributing anything of value
so i don’t view your slot positively

you’ve just been here, really
and havent contributed much, although i hope it changes now

With the risk of crossing fires, Leafia usually starts off with being voted and then her not being able to take it very well so she just spends time OMGUSing.
I’d suggest to look at how much fury she has, though I am not so sure how believable I am when my fate is stuck with Leafia’s.

Previously on SCoD, I said that on Flicker she was usually sheepy and was like uh-huh, this person is definetly right! This person issss sus! And then like the very next hours when someone else said somebody else is sus she was like ohhhh yeah!!!

that is my problem, yes
she’s not doing anything not directly involving my slot
which means everything she says is worthless

Anyways, Achro sounds… like a different person? They sound very different from stratagem-10 and I do not vibe with their reads at all.

Slight Town

The early push on Jaiden, I initially thought it was a reaction test, but


It is actually serious!