Did you wanna know something or are you just voting for the sake of voting

Chat did you know that the Super Mario Brothers Super Show sucks ass

If this is the scenario we’ve lost the game
You realise this, right?

Say that to the Rolecard you received.

That only difference is one side is informed and the other is not.
I’m from the side that isn’t.

id tell you youre wrong but idt that’d go anywhere

I listened to (did not watch) eight hours and forty-five minutes of the Super Mario Brothers Super Show yesterday in a Discord call. This is an exceptionally bad idea. Do not do this


Let me be more specific since you want to be like that
Who wins the game is not dependent on rng

may we are going to beef in the thread if you shit talk super show one more time


No we don’t.
Just vote the fucking wolf.
Not fucking hard.

I GTG back to work, peace :v:

I wasn’t going to continue the conversation regardless of what you said so it wasn’t gonna go anywhere anyway
Your choice did not matter

VOTE: Zorvo

1 Like

When did you last watch and/or listen to it, Jaiden


Maybe i am just speaking a foreign language this game as i seem to he surrounded by people who can’t comprehend words.

No point in trying further. Thanks.

speaking of listening and watching

jaiden seems to be doing the work today
any comments may

Did I misinterpret your logic or are you just mad because I don’t agree with you

one would assume he thinks the former

whether its right
i’ll read later im tired

I haven’t played the game yet, on account of spending eight hours and forty five minutes listening to the Super Mario Brothers Super Show (I am pretty busy and haven’t had a chance to read back yet, I can give thoughts when I actually do that)


I need tea to access everything later