I wasn’t going to continue the conversation regardless of what you said so it wasn’t gonna go anywhere anyway
Your choice did not matter

VOTE: Zorvo

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When did you last watch and/or listen to it, Jaiden


Maybe i am just speaking a foreign language this game as i seem to he surrounded by people who can’t comprehend words.

No point in trying further. Thanks.

speaking of listening and watching

jaiden seems to be doing the work today
any comments may

Did I misinterpret your logic or are you just mad because I don’t agree with you

one would assume he thinks the former

whether its right
i’ll read later im tired

I haven’t played the game yet, on account of spending eight hours and forty five minutes listening to the Super Mario Brothers Super Show (I am pretty busy and haven’t had a chance to read back yet, I can give thoughts when I actually do that)


I need tea to access everything later

I think you misunderstood me and i am mad you are throwing my words back in my face when i am addressing my own points to ask clarifying points to you and my comment to zorvo was after 6+ posts from zorvo repeateding the same thing whereas you thought it was appropriate when what i am doing is probing your thoughts on a matter and trying to issue clarifications to know if you actually disagree.

Makes me kind of just not want to play.

i know you wouldn’t continue it. youre like that
how i ended it is still important

from what i can summarize without full context:

achro says that neon, despite not townreading him, says that once he dies, he’ll flip town

something like that but less straightforward

achro could you provide specific quotes so
i can
understand it fully
or link the post where you did otherwise

If you iso me most of the last ten posts go into detail in it.


so the point is:

why could neon know for certain this is a misunderstanding, and reference it to last game something like this happened, which assumes you are town

When you’re willing to come back can you explain your logic as if I’m five

Me saying that wasn’t about you
It was about ME being stupid
I’m saying that I don’t understand what you said :sob::sob: because it seems like I was saying things that aren’t actually defeating your argument if you’re unsure if I actually disagree

Bruh I understand, I be head empty too sometimes

Let me try to summarize this a different way.

I think it was tmi that neon went right to my vote on her being a misunderstanding. I do not feel as of it showed the proper amount of paranoia that i could be scum twisting her words in order to kill her.

Whether i am right or not is another matter.