someones gotta learn not to throw stones from glass houses

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Of course I have. He’s the one that introduced me to this place. Well, the old site anyway. :sleepingleafeon:

there is zero way you think he’s a sizable amount more arrogant this game then any other he’s played

the fucking horror


He’s never been this arrogant and condescending before. This is him up to 11. :sleepingleafeon:

I’m only partway through my backread, but Zorvo is taking on a really different tone this game that’s tossing me around like the ping-pong ball. He stated he was gonna try to change his playstyle ahead of this game, so it’s in theory NAI, but adopting an entirely different style of, like… speaking, and doing things, makes it a thousand times harder to read him with meta, and so it’s still an inherently scum-beneficial act. Usually, this is where I’d just drop a vote on him and see how he reacts, but I tried that last game and didn’t get the kind of results I was looking for because of the different environment of the hydra, and it eventually led me to misvoting his slot. You’d remember, you were the one who subbed into it.

I dunno. I tend to have trouble catching up on games when I haven’t been involved in them at all, and this one’s no exception. I read by poking. Haven’t had a chance to do any poking yet. Nobody is saying my name it’s soooo boring saying Jaiden or Olivest doesn’t count even though we’re hte same person.

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TMI reads are bad reads shrugs

Kill more townies than wolfs.

he shot me to death in deus x because he thought he was right that i was scum over the entire town besides one other person saying otherwise
he shot min n1 in htf because he was certain he was a wolf, after min had posted about 15 times
he shot marl who was doing most of the work in love and war

Good response 10 out of 10 game play. You’ve broken the game wide open.


That’s not even close to how he’s acting right now. :sleepingleafeon:

thats just
zorvo deathtunnels all the time and hes not even doing it

It’s in my ISO.

I feel like I’m reading on a treadmill. My eyes keep going over the same posts over and over again. When Italy posted his opener I was like this is so weird why is he acting like he just got here, he’s been posting the entire time, and hten I remembered that him and Atlas are different people. I’m sooooo sleepy

Thank you folks, I’m here all night

Question: How do you tell the difference between a town player who is indistinguishable from a wolf, and an actual wolf?

That’s the core of this issue, I think, that it is incredibly hard to differentiate the two.

Yes, our goal is to execute wolves and not wolfy players, but sometimes there’s a hair-splittingly small difference between the two.

adding this to the neon commandments

That’s not the point of that. But yes I’m aware. And he can think that. You can ask think what you want. I actually don’t really think it matters much everyone should play their game the way they play and work together

Just don’t dictate to me how I have to play the game.


Oh yeah, did you still want me to answer these Ne?

It isn’t wrong because he isn’t condescending and annoying about it to the point that he’s insulting and annoying people. :sleepingleafeon:

Oh please enlighten me oh God of mafia how can I improve my play I’m so bad