what did you mean, then?

this in particular

at the start of xros wars, it was both me and may and it was my first hydra in a very long time
it was a very casual experience for me
this game, however, its nearly entirely me and its much more serious in nature compared to the olivest shenanigans of last game
I imagine thats because I canā€™t fool around with may in thread as much

I can name an exact turning point in my play in around the middle of xros where I was being accused of trolling constantly and eventually I just gave up on hiding that it upset me greatly
and Iā€™ve been significantly more open with how I feel since
my tone has definitely been off this game but its mostly just how I am around this time each february
i just care alot less than I would otherwise
also I have incredibly varied games, I enjoy switching up paces and styles given the chance

and those are all the reasons my play may be different.

Iā€™m trying to explain it for goodness sake.
I meant for Zorvo to stop stretching and pushing so hard on me and that I didnā€™t want people to read into my frustration from there.

I wanted Zorvo to basically take a step back, to let me townread others than him without taking that as being scum and for me to be able to fight back if heā€™s fighting to me.

Why did I get pinged

this has been fact checked by american patriots (it wasnt true)
I have actually properly fully pushed achro in one game d1
out of 3 or 4
the meta was simply not there

what did you do during the large majority of this day, anyway
other then

Youā€™re on a vanity wagon and thereā€™s less than an hour to go.

the way you phrased ā€œstop stretching on meā€ as ā€œdonā€™t push me for my readsā€ is

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If you click on the ping notif it takes you to the post that pinged you

Or well, just about more than an hour.

I know it is. But I was annoyed and so I was just pushing back. My bad

Iā€™ll decide before EOD donā€™t worry


you were there; how did you think kii felt at the time

If Zorvo says that he thinks I felt calm and composed then heā€™s lying to himself.

i meant in reference to the specific post
would you make such a weird phrasing at the time, was my specific ask
shouldā€™ve said it more clearly

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oh i didnt! i was busy and when Iā€™m busy I tend to focus on a few things and this and that and this and that
i have explained why 2 or 3 times now please stop making me repost why I was inactive half of d1 and why I focused on certain things
this isnā€™t a new thing i dont know why its being treated like it is

so youā€™ve been absent almost all of the day in terms of content and your partner hasnā€™t played

why do you have a problem with being scumread

its clearly not in bad faith