Anyway Neon is town and Guava has to go

VOTE: Guava

By the way Guava, you haven’t come up with excuse I am aligned with Olivest

You just said that and refuse to elaborate further

When Atlas said he was tempted to vote me

VOTE: Atlas

Then even when I pointed out Jaiden did this

Let’s see how known Town Guava handled Jaiden doing this last game…

post 282, what did town guava say about this?

LMAO :sob::sob:

The funny thing is, the snap vote that was mentioned is on the same player… me. So town Guava last game said “LMAO” and little else, this game though? Finds a reason to vote Atlas for it even though it’s about the same player and Atlas actually didn’t even follow through.

Look at this btw, very probing of Jaiden, inquisitive. Trying to figure out what she is thinking for voting me. Here? Nope, just votes Atlas because it is bad.

Very different reactions between games tbh.

Guava probably just got caught when I noticed this but I didn’t think about it from that angle day 1 tbh

This reaction is just not true. Guava super noticed it, just wasn’t hyper aggressive and looking to vote but rather was probing and curious.

Oh well I’ll settle for day 2.

@Neon @Kiiruma @JakeTheWolfie @Garfooled @Italy @Frostwolf103

thoughts on the above logic? ty

shrugs I’m not gonna comment on your logic because it’s so different from anything I would ever think was even remotely a valid reason to scum read someone

But it caught olive assuming you are town…


Hol up.

hah fair

My logic is just that in similar situations guava was much more aggro here.

Okay Zorvo barely existed for part of yesterday but when he did he pushes Sylv/Olive I don’t remember who else

Atlas however was very very active

And pushing Sylv/Frost and towards EoD also saying Achro was meh and we should look deeper.

Who has motivation to kill Atlas/Zorvo?

Sylv/Frost especially. Achro slightly.

Guava had zero reason to kill Zorvo/Atlas as Atlas was hard TRing them iirc in their legacy.

I…bruh is it really just Olive/Sylv/Frost cause that would be kinda funny. But this is so L0.

Do keep in mind a good reason to kill Zorvo/Atlas exists in them being by far the most active poster. Also I have to assume scum assumed I was being protected.

Also Atlas only said to worry about me if Olivest flipped green :P

i think ur using the same logic on guava as u did on olivest, which worked out d1 for you

Well let me ask you a different question, beyond what I think.

Why do you think a town Guava is so aggressive versus Atlas for thinking about voting me than town Guava was last game on Jaiden for voting me? I am open to theories!

killing atlas when their view on u is at highpoint is a good play IMO but meh i town read u today and i should stick with it unless i find a reason not to

at least wait for me to miss x)

the wording will take me a bit to understand right now cus i just woke up after falling asleep so gimme a bit time xd

Do I?

i disagree with u having motive tbh

wait wrong quote lmao

see im like out of it

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yeah this needs to explained. i see ur logic