if u want actual reasons im afraid i don’t remember much about discord mafia players and how they played

im just trying to gauge certain things
i ask alot of silly questions in the process of that

That’s fair but they didn’t even give them advice, Achro kinda just said “no your wrong”, basically trying to purposely avoid sharing any information that could help figure their alignment out.

I’m saying the result of what you said didn’t actually provide anything.
There was literally zero context.
Saying they could be wolf trying to look good or town, is just saying something but not actually giving a solid thought.

Like maybe add something more?

What do you think you’re providing with your thoughts when you say stuff like that? :laughing:

TBF I wouldn’t be surprised if I have done something similar to that in the past but the point still stands the post doesn’t mean anything, it’s just a number in your post count that doesn’t give anything.

All I’m requesting is for you to provide more, especially if you repeatedly make reads like that.

Let’s have something more yeah?


Here I’ll help.

How do you feel about Achro right now?

Sure I’ll stop taking about Achro and how content and reads work. :ok_hand:

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:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Right!

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Hey Atlas

Let’s call them O

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my point was that saying that my read didn’t give you anything is no reason to fricking vote me lmao

my read on them is null for now because what i said earlier is nothing because “they always act like that”

Yeah I do like this response.

I’ll note this

and yeh ill say useless shit if i want, ppl are posting about things outside the game and i cant post possibly useless crap about this game?

pretending this was not the first thing directly pertaining to mechanics i’ve said so far, my existence solely serves to push discussions forward until i can gather a high enough sample size to confidently begin creating reads

i’m not going to be able to form anything meaningful until the post count increases other than my dislike of the tone and posture of other players


just the very topic of roles are bad day 1
nip that in the bud.

you’ve talked just about as much of mech as you have reads

I think they were just stating they find us sus for a different reason.
You cause they don’t like your contains a wolf read and me cause I sheep voted.

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or, pushing the content forward, if you want to say you’ve been doing that

unless you count “i don’t like roletalk i think it’s a bad look to do it” that is without a doubt my first mech related post.

you’re looking rather lost, italy


you’ve mostly been kidding around and have only really started compiling things when asked: that was my main point