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I vote because I can.
Test the flow in the water.

Which makes sense.

I mean you can but if your gonna talk about this game at least bring up some productive thought in a game related post.

do you have anything other then an opinion on Garfooled

something on me, achro, olv, or my partner would work

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You have of course and keep doing it with the ones you have.

But I don’t wanna see one of those “can be wolf or can be town” posts with no other context.

Ok Italy, who was talking about roles and how much?
Do tell.

I remember someone saying about roles like once.

That was O messing around.

as zorvo’s partner, i must specify to avoid information about roles themselves

This person Italy, this person is the only one.

That person doesn’t speak for the entire thread.



Until you respond, VOTE: Italy

the joke has been made twice it is now going to be a recurring theme through the entire game until we are both dead

but i digress

this post was formed after a quick skim of the thread
i have a habit of managing to completely lose entire details (thus the joke that i am illiterate, because i tend to deadass miss entire lines of text like they never existed) and later went back and found context to what i believed to be an entirely unprompted post

still their mannerisms don’t feel entirely right, and

this irked me a considerable amount, mostly because of the speculative nature of the post (PLEASE SHUT UP ABOUT ROLES)


my manner of speech is beginning to get eccentric please give me a moment


the mere notion of role discussion is out. i saw the word once and decided to shut it down

and please speak coherent english

ignoring seth having what i can only assume is an actual honest to god stroke, reads come as they come until like i said, the sample size grows enough for me to begin making proper reads

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i agree, yes
but i’d assume you’d hopefully have something on me

for a variety of reasons i don’t enjoy making flawed reads and i especially hate doubling down on them

if you would like surface level, achro coming out shooting is solidly town indicative as it implies they’re ready to have the spotlight on them right out of the gate

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forgotten howling
a sad, seperated pack
is all my hope lost