huh ok, if ur tryna make me feel better it’s working

I’m not in the mood to make detailed reads right now. but when i am, like i said at some point if i feel up to it i will do reads

you were wrong tho

typical Silviu posting

VOTE: Atlas

this is weird
not even scummy I don’t think it’s just weird
like he just walked in and there’s 30 posts in the thread slow down
he doesn’t need to make a read based on your 15 first posts
and given what you posted you don’t want him to because… yikes

I hate this mindset
though reads not being fluid unfortunately tends to come more from town than scum
which makes them lose
but it still ends up coming from town

Actually, I wish
but as bad of advice it is I don’t think it’s coming from scum :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:
Olivest, both parts of it, are smarter than that
Though this is like totally Jaiden, right?

people say this as either alignment
confirmation bias, I say

Ah. he’s arrived

I wanted to say “ikr” but I did make a read on Atlas and Olivest based on their first like 10 posts each

This would be catching my policy vote if I hadn’t already voted Atlas/Zorvo in this post


me begging for the umpteenth time that people learn what tone tags are because I also thought you were trying to make them mad on purpose


hear me out
they thought they found a scum
for all I know that could be t/t

all of our role cards are grey because that’s the background of FoL :nerd_face:

I imagine Olivest would have content unrelated to Achro if Achro wasn’t pushing them, no?
Which seems like it’s stopping
Give them a sec

another banger entrance

literally what is the point of a hydra if it’s obvious who’s posting when

this is obviously just a coincidence but I think it’s interesting neither of them have a read on Atlas or Olivest that they wanted to share?
Like were they just not interesting enough?

quoting to say I like this person’s pfp

holy shit


that. that was coherent.
they’re saying that you don’t speak for the whole thread, as to say you can’t just dictate what we do and don’t talk about
though, I don’t think there’s much merit in roleclaiming atm


I will say I still want more from Italy, they really don’t seem to care to contribute as much as they should be or I’d expect them to be if they are Town.

I don’t like Achro refusing to provide a word for word case on the person they voted, kinda feels like they don’t care to actually make it a wagon and just want it as a place to vote which doesn’t seem motivated to bury wolves.

it’s kinda not

i don’t think i could say the point any differently so

given you voted me for one post
i can’t really say much in the matter, can I

Here is a tone tag for the rest of my mafia career

‘I am never trying to make anyone mad’

There we go.


I just think the concept of deciding you’re going to vote someone before they even enter your thread (maybe even before the game started, given how early in the game you said that) is scummy

Was i asked for a word for word read? What exactly are you looking for.

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matter of opinion

post in question


not a read, just saying my approach is bad

May i ask why you think this?

Ok but he sorta did?
He called it TvS or SvS and you responded to Garfooled that called it SvS that it could also be TvS or TvT.
Did you not?

Why were you so concerned on Atlas making a “contains a wolf” read?
I remember your initial reason for it.
Do you honestly see Atlas or Me hard pushing for that? Cause I don’t.
I’d think if we were wolves and we wanted to setup two ML’s.
1)Why would we go for Achro?
2)Why would we want to do something like that so early on?
3)Why wouldn’t we push it harder?

oh btw i wanted to create conflict with specifically achro just to see what would happen
then achro posted that and olv did my job for me

That’s a good point.
VOTE: Sylveon

if anyone seriously thinks SETH has a chance in pushing achro over with nobody, not even me, helping him
i have something to say

I did you one better, I voted them.

i’ll remember it when leafia provides a defense that just calls it an omgus

Other then your clearly invalid reason, what after your vote on them made you wolf read them?

it feels like votes on others is just pressure to see what the other person will do. so it’s hard to say that “this person is scum for voting this other person”
and those people that vote can change their minds if given explanations and good reactions.
so to those above that call voting scummy, i don’t understand?

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Also BTW Sylveon/Italy/Garfooled/Achro

I’m confident this actually has to contain 1.
Simply due to how each has been acting this game and I don’t think 4 Town all act like that and make these kinda plays, at least 1 wolf is making a play there.

logically, this has a 1/3 chance and considering thats pretty much everyone who’s posted so far and one wolf would show up to the first few hours

i’d say so yeah

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