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Is Zorvo just gonna keep shitting on the way I play or smthing?

Thatā€™s all it feels like tbh.

Iā€™m not going to adjust to how you want me to play. Once I see something worth noting I will, and if I feel like ISO-ing later I might.

My vote stands.

Iā€™m going to go to work and then after will share my thoughts on everyones interactions. If you wanting to get something from me you are going to have to wait 4ish hours sorry


Iā€™m like 50 posts into backread
hating what I see
just wanted to post that I am indeed alive irl before anything else


Iā€™m saying that itā€™s possible. Not that itā€™s happening. Itā€™s far from a certainty at this point, but Atlasā€™s reaction to this and how heā€™s acting here sucks balls.

Like I said, thatā€™s only a possibility. I never said it was a certainty.

Slight villagery vibe here.

Not yet I donā€™t and thatā€™s a good idea. First thing tomorrow though. Yawns Achro admittedly is the slightest of townleans for me though.

Why would I? He didnā€™t call it SvS.

Why would I be concerned right now? My focus is elsewhere.

Because yours came first and I only have one vote. You canā€™t vote for two people at the same time.

Now to head off for the night. Good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

do you disagree with my point?

these two points contradict eachother

leafia claims that she has no interest in pursuing garfooled. yet, she then claims, that she would vote garfooled if she could

oh, and fyi

since i assume zone made you all say it aswell

We cannot have wagons within a vote of eachother, or tie the wagons at EOD.

The latter will cause no-exe, which is an absolute waste in a rolemadness with potential doctors/vigs/whatever else

zorvo, can you note this for me so leafia doesnt avoid it by going afk for 9 hours and coming back

because i will forget it if she does

my brain hurt. cant she mean both?

Is it hard to read that I only seen one player mention about roles and pinged that specific player?
You donā€™t need good English to understand that especially if you claim to already know that someone mentioned ā€œroleā€ and I find it odd you donā€™t remember the person who did since you were clearly paying attention to one part of it, if expect you to pay attention to the full thing.

Thatā€™s like knowing a star is bright but not knowing itā€™s a star.
Or knowing one of your friends have a green shirt on writes down you seen them today and only put that in and completely ignore putting down your friends actual name.

she claimed she only had her focus on us
then she claimed she had her focus on both us and you, but she could only vote us

what if its the other way round, she cant vote both so she focuses on 1

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I donā€™t mean to shit on it.
Iā€™m just saying that your post didnā€™t mean anything and when I read I expect to actually read something that means something.
There are lots of other posts of yours that do mean stuff, I just personally want more of that. :ok_hand:

We need progression, we need to win this game.

yā€™see those posts i was SCUM and tryna fit in. if those are the ones ur talking about

Guess you missed providing reasoning.
VOTE: Achro

Iā€™m talking about the posts you made this game, the ones the mean stuff.

Nothing to do with you being scum.

I gave my reasoning earlier if you have questions you may ask them.