hey, i win by achro arguing for me!
we should do this more often

Htf reunion at last.

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I still think you shouldnā€™t just have the idea in your mind that youā€™re gonna vote someone before theyā€™ve even spoken on d1
I would be pissed as fuck if someone did that to me

You are kind of missing the point here i think.

That is ok.

Fuck I shot the dude as town guilt vigilante and guess what Atlas flipped.

Iā€™ll give you a clue, I felt ā€œguiltyā€ about it the next night.

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It happens to me in most games and i find it more amusing than anything.

anyway, achro reads as more genuine then the 12 traitor game, comparing him being comfy in thread now (which mind you, he is, none of you are going after him ever) compared to him being comfy in thread then

its rather minor, of course, and the dates have changed, but heā€™s certainly someone you donā€™t get a good read on 7 hours into d1

achro is the best player in the setup
what better way to generate discussion then by pushing the best player

i guess thats why this is alt friendly

he could leave us right now and left me to argue against guava, for a relatively minor reason
which would either spiral thread or head nowhere, with someone he supposedly townread still being mildly pushed

gar, im still confused about you thinking reads arenā€™t content

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Your entire mindset is just opposite from mine, isnā€™t it?
I treat slots equally regardless of experience (or ā€œskillā€) so this has no bearing to me

It is true as town i am a bit of a thread control slut

I dont like people arguing over small things.


i think what i was getting at was that everyone is making reads of reads while achro was starting shit up first

i realize whos a threat, and try to quickly start gaining a grasp on them
if we left trying to at least start reading achro until d3, we wouldve lost to him as scum
if we have some basis of d1 and d2 already consistently planned, we can build up a case against him, and have it be somewhat proper

i consider this strange, but

iā€™ll note it anyway

i can be a bit w a c k y

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That goes for literally anyone
and Iā€™m not saying ā€œdonā€™t read Achro d1ā€ Iā€™m saying I try to have a read on everyone d1

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I didnt like guavaā€™s push on atlas but the reaction to me poking at the vote feels mildly towny

I say we cook some olive for dinner tbh

i also have the tendency to play devils advocate for no reason cus i took part in debate class in middle school