one set of reads require significant amount of time, work, and investment, and needs to get started as soon as possible
the latter can be studied and watched

itā€™s giving ā€œI didnā€™t like when you said smthn I disagreed with but I liked when you changed your mind and agreed with meā€

(this is me asking you to elaborate on why you didnā€™t like my push but liked my reaction to you
idk why I didnā€™t just ask)

Agreeing with me is usually town sided when i am town yes


I saw a flaw in your vote given your recent history with jaiden and i thought you could be making up reasons to vote atlas without giving genuine thought which is scummy but your unvote felt appropriately sheepish enough that i could buy that you simply forgot that.

1 Like

Atlas you should convince zorvo to sheep me like you did in htf

Me being sheeped works out for towns tbh

you should convince me to sheep you to make zorvo sheep you

oh, and if its not obvious already
im not coaching zorvo, he had already had a gameplan he was set on
and since i asked to hydra, im letting him spin his own game; thats why heā€™s the head

We are 1/1 in day 1 lynches when you sheep me

Also i cant shoot you this time.


im not seeing many alternatives presented to olivest, by anyone

You were a wolf last time

htf, i gave him my vote because i wasnt using it, he shanked marl

this will become more and more curious as the day progresses, of course
but neither head is here to defend themselves, and nobody feels like pushing another, with a reasonable argument, other then about them at this moment

Votecount as of post #452

Olivest (1): Achromatic
Zorvo (1): Sylveon
Sylveon (1): Zorvo

Not Voting (11): Jarek, Kiiruma, Hazardwaste, Atlas, Italy, Frostwolf103, Neon, Garfooled, JakeTheWolfie, Olivest, guavagudetama

Anyway i am going to go do stuff, happy valentineā€™s day to all my friends here.

Please vote the olive one with me. Ty.

i had forgotten zorvo voted leafia
and i made those points he voted her off of, so im required to say its a good push

anywho, i think i should leave thread aswell, im feeling lost

goodluck, zorvo
and the
8-9 of you who are town

interesting metaphors
i tend to get very aggressive over certain topics
you may notice that they are consistently the kind of topics where you need people to do a certain thing and then they all donā€™t do that certain thing

and then refuse to learn not to do the certain thing

right, before i forget

the anticlaim mentioned in the OP is almost certainly neutral/mafia
last game the town anticlaim, both had no warning, and was decently weak

i do not expect the same. claiming is severally not recommended

you are not helping me with my ptsd issues