I am calm and repeating what needs to be done.

I answered quickly when I know that’s necessary.

Not sure what you mean this post seems extremely townie


i think i understood?
regardless dont feel bad if u did say something wrong

anyone got ideas on what i shouldve done differently d1
im still seething and/or coping

That’s the exact post about his reads, not the vote about this.

It should have been null, bit higher but not lower.

Why was this suspicious can someone help me with that?

is 5 not null?

is in the middle

he somehow got two mafia correct and top town were dead as the days progresses.

Frost. FK’s saying Kii was obv!wolf because he put both scumbuddies at 3 and 4, and proceeded to vote you who was on 5.


hazard locked what happened exactly btw


I suck at translating thoughts to words and I defs struggle with like meaning and shit if you know what I mean is the autism sometimes i day things I interpret one way and people are like wow wtf and I’m like what did i do

I could’ve defs said that better.

I will say I’ve stopped using the phrase dick measuring contest after this game lol

Ahhh fair fair

i thought it was a bit sussy cus they had the 2 scum we voted out as top scum and didn’t push as much as Achro did

Thanks but it was you and Hazard I fucked up on Kiiruma…


Well I mean, i got below average as well.

I invited orange to spec chat and posted this and asked him to name the other two wolves

he got them right, shockingly. Not sure how orange did it but he said “classic Kiiruma”


Well now i know a mafia can visit two players at once

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I am wise guy though, not like intelligent smart.

i couldve read into ur explanation better—

so yeh am sorry

and we all learned something about that interaction xd

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