But honestly thanks for the game! That was extremely fun your all awesome to play with. Even if it got stressful at points it was a plessure to meet all of you!!!


if i knew about the 2 visit thing, i woulda been screaming bloody murder as well

without ur ā€œconfrimā€ Kiimura was sussy to me

Yeah I lied about my role too

I was actually gonna unclaim but i thought since sylv was gonna visit me anyways it didnā€™t matter.

We should have just murdered kiiruma after Sylv died. That was a super stupid move on my part but I really thought Frost was wolf.

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Trust me i did to. You werent the only one in that wagon

Kiiruma knew he was in bad position while you and me were asleep.

Should have killed me and you earlier, uh.

oh well, it all ended well and i liked ur decision to not kill frost that day

cus i wanted to go for blood on kiimura or u initially, and then u almost convinced me about frost lynch as well

Turns out in their will, that they visited you way earlier and lied about Zorvo being first target I think.

if kiiruma was awake town lost here im p sure
what an icarus moment to come so close and to crash and burn so hard


Mafia and Spec Chat:

night skip was cursed in the wrong hands.

Realizing that killing Italy was always the play and getting out of my tinfoil on Friday was probably the only thing i did right this game tbh


Yeah, that I seemingly picked the useless role turns out to be very vital in solving.

My question in my head is




Not reveal them

Like, lynching to get this wills to be released, to work?

Thatā€™s mechanically bad play.

So thatā€™s why you tried to make me join or sign up.

We pulled a Captain Price to let the unwilling bomb hostage to die to save the rest.

He already explained he canā€™t. His role only allowed other townies to write wills; he never got to see it, nor did he get to write his own.

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Imagine we had to do it end-game, that will never turn well for town.