also, i think if there’s a neutral
that’s their wincon.

i’m going to throttle you

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That’s fair argument.
I suppose Achro usually wants to stir the pot as a wolf and they aren’t doing that currently.

I still think your push is bad and don’t see it as anything more then a coinflip.

What’s your reads on Italy and Sylveon?
What do you think of the way Italy started being all serious to atlas and complaining about everyone talking about roles when it was only olive that was?
even Italy not focusing on everything and kinda only mentioned a few people.

How about Sylveon who contradicted themselves?
How do you view their push on my slot? Do you think it’s in good faith?
Do you find Sylveon weird at all this game or no?

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if we couldve not been communicating about this issue i’d townread you for it

I don’t care.
That doesn’t concern anything about winning or losing this game or finding one’s alignment.
Nor does it provide content of your thoughts towards another player.

Let’s change that, What’s your read on Achro?

I still think it’s actually dumb you complain about people wanting roles when I only remember one player doing it and it’s who Achro is voting.

I don’t understand what you just said.

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perhaps im delirious!

Oh interesting, I checked DM’s and I guess you also not really a fan of Sylveon and Italy too eh Atlas?

DM as in Rolecard obviously. :crazy_face:
For anyone who didn’t understand.

But yeah looks like me and Atlas agree on most things here.

and i started thinking i was writing those messages for nothing

Sylveon is leafia’s regular gameplay, at best
and adding extremely less, at worse
italy is just kinda there

for reference

Please evaluate your read on Olive and make a good case on them please if you still wanna push them.
Your vote seems lazy.

All I see is the same reason that I already disproved, and Italy can also disprove it because they were in the wolf chat when Jaiden talked about me being good at “surviving” as a wolf and I should be killed early as I think they also even mentioned again elsewhere as town.

Olay let me say this with less words.

I am not voting how i am because of what she said about you. I am voting her based off how she treated me in relation to you.

I hope this helps.

Also avoid calling me lazy. For your own health. Thank you.

I will look into sylveon and italy tomorrow.

I am 361 posts in and have nothing to add to this thread because the 4 way dick measuring contest is leading to unimportant discussions where all sides look silly and I can’t read into this for shit

Or in other words


Perpetual top poster Neon sitting on 5 posts…

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Stop being me.